



How do I add, drop, or see my class schedule for the semester?

注册课程 有一步一步的说明如何:

  • 添加类
  • 降类
  • 查看课程表
After I get registered for classes, what do I do next?

Once you have your semester class schedule, you will need to think about:

W在这里 can I get information on enrolling in continuing education or non-credit classes?

Information on industry skills training and other forms of continuing education can be found at the 十大网赌正规网址官网继续教育分部

I selected a term for registration, but ace is saying I need to re-apply for 招生. 这对吗??

你可以选择 CE 2022春季. 这将提示你重新申请入学. 向下滚动术语列表并选择其中一个 2022年春季. As long as you are an active student and you select the correct term, you should 不 必须重新申请入学.



如果你没有指定导师,请发电子邮件 sac-advising@阿拉莫.edu and include your Name, Banner ID, and major, and 咨询人员会跟进.


点击 在这里 查阅有关密码常见问题的意见. 

Contact your Assigned Advisor, located in your GPS digital degree plan. 或者,你可以发邮件 sac-advising@阿拉莫.edu. Include your Name, Banner ID, and a request for your 建议销. 咨询人员会跟进.

Can I register for the second level of a class, if I am still enrolled in the first level?

这是可能的. 如果你注册了必修课程, contact the academic department associated with the course for registration assistance.

的 class I want to take has a red 不e that indicates This is An Alamo IM Direct Course. 这是什么意思??

Alamo IM Direct Course means the course offers low to no-cost digital materials for the course. Check with the professor or instructor of the course 欲知详情.


一旦课程满了, it is at capacity and students can不 be added to the course unless t在这里 is a waitlist option. Selecting the waitlist option does 不 guarantee your access to the class.

我是一名SAC学生. 我可以在另一所十大网赌正规网址官网注册课程吗?

是的. 现在你是十大网赌正规网址官网系统的一员, 你可以在任何一所十大网赌正规网址官网上一门课. 然而, 如果你打算从圣安东尼奥学院毕业的话, it is important to speak to your Advisor about the maximum number of courses you can take at a不her Alamo 大学.

Who do I speak to if I need assistance with the enrollment process?

Incoming students are able to speak with a certified enrollment coach at the Welcome Center. 有关更多信息,请单击 在这里

I need guidance in the enrollment process, do you have a checklist I can follow?

英文: http://www.阿拉莫.edu/sac/admissions-aid/newstudent/

西班牙语: http://www.阿拉莫.edu/sac/admissions-aid/estudiantes-nuevos/

Do I need to complete every step on the enrollment checklist if I have previously attended college before?

If you have more than 15 college credit hours you could potentially be exempt from some enrollment steps. Please verify the applicable steps when you meet with your certified enrollment coach. 


How do I submit a request to change my 阿拉莫大学 home school?

希望转学的学生需提交一份 更改原就读院校表格 具体到他们计划就读的十大网赌正规网址官网.

Why was my home school 不 updated on my student account?
  • 访问监护人您的当前状态 更改原就读院校申请
  • Requests are processed according to the following timelines (exceptions may be available for graduation and when utilizing Veteran Benefits):
    • 秋季:5月1日至7月31日
    • 春季:8月1日至11月30日
    • 夏季:12月1日至4月30日



多重措施(MUM)为即将入学的学生提供服务, NOT including high school students in dual credit courses, opportunities to enroll in college through the use of:

  • 标准化考试成绩
  • 高中GPA
  • 高中课程历史
W在这里 can I complete testing at SAC to be eligible to take classes?

学费 & 援助


T在这里 are several reasons why a student may get dropped from classes, including:

If I am an AlamoPROMISE (AP) student, how long will I be funded by the program?