转移 & Returning Student Orientation (TRSO)

转移 students with more than 12 earned college semester hours (excluding Dual Credit) but less than 45 earned college semester hours.

Returning students with more than 12 earned college semester hours (excluding Dual Credit) but less than 45 earned college semester hours who have been away from 阿拉莫大学 for more than a calendar year (and have not attended another institution).

If you have questions contact:  nlc-ga@thebowloflife.com

Click below to sign-up for orientation.

TRSO Sign Up - Click Here

Have the below information ready when selecting your TRSO 小组建议 会话:

  • Student ACES Username (EX: jsmith14)
  • Your Nine Digit Student Banner ID (will start with the number 9)

Please note all registration requirements (enrollment steps) must be completed prior to signing up for orientation. 登记 requirements found here, click Enrollment Checklist.